
Digital Collection

The Chippy’s World NFT collection contains 2,500 Chippys on the Ethereum blockchain.

Zain Gaziani, artist and creator, has been building this digital collection in public for months leading upto our launch in April 2022, by sharing updates and behind the scenes, getting community feedback, and building relationships with Chippy’s biggest fans. It still feels surreal seeing so much love and support from the Chippy fam!


This digital collection consists of 150+ hand drawn traits; backgrounds, body types, faces, outfits, and more. There’s truly a Chippy for everyone ❤️

In addition, Chippy has 24 frens (old and new) joining him in this collection!

(Don’t worry, Billy doesn’t bite)

There are twenty-one 1 of 1’s in this collection:

2020 Memories:

The six “Memories” pieces are from 2020, when Zain and I were stuck in a tiny apartment together during quarantine. The origin story; this is where it all began 🥲



The five “Inward” pieces were an opportunity for Zain to reflect on his own journey. A little dark but it’s necessary ❤️


Stick Figures:

The ten “Stick Figure” pieces are a throwback to the good ol days, sitting in the back of class scribbling cartoons in my notebooks 📝


There is no official “roadmap” for this digital collection other than having fun and making special memories together.